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- 1 rem multiple choice test maker
- 2 poke783,peek(783)and254:print""
- 5 printchr$(147):gosub5000:printchr$(147)
- 10 input"number of questions ";nu:print
- 12 printchr$(147)
- 15 dimwd$(nu),s1$(nu),s2$(nu),s3$(nu),cn$(nu)
- 20 forx=1tonu
- 30 input"question ";wd$(x):print
- 40 input"choice a ";s1$(x):print
- 50 input"choice b ";s2$(x):print
- 60 input"choice c ";s3$(x):print
- 70 input"answer (a-c) ";cn$(x)
- 72 ifcn$(x)="a"orcn$(x)="b"orcn$(x)="c"thengoto75
- 73 print"[145][145]":goto70
- 75 printchr$(147)
- 80 next
- 90 printchr$(147)
- 100 forx=1tonu
- 105 printchr$(147)
- 110 poke781,1:poke782,0:sys65520:print"1. question ";wd$(x):print
- 120 poke781,3:poke782,0:sys65520:print"2. choice a ";s1$(x):print
- 130 poke781,5:poke782,0:sys65520:print"3. choice b ";s2$(x):print
- 140 poke781,7:poke782,0:sys65520:print"4. choice c ";s3$(x):print
- 150 poke781,9:poke782,0:sys65520:print"5. correct answer ";cn$(x)
- 160 poke781,23:poke782,0:sys65520:print"is this correct (y/n)?[160]";
- 170 poke198,0:wait198,1:geta$:ifa$<>"y"anda$<>"n"then170
- 180 ifa$="y"then 260
- 190 poke781,23:poke782,0:sys65520:print"enter number to change - ";
- 200 poke198,0:wait198,1:geta$:a=val(a$)
- 210 ifa<1ora>5then190
- 220 ifa=1thenpoke781,1:poke782,11:sys65520:inputwd$(x):goto160
- 230 ifa=2thenpoke781,3:poke782,11:sys65520:inputs1$(x):goto160
- 240 ifa=3thenpoke781,5:poke782,11:sys65520:inputs2$(x):goto160
- 245 ifa=4thenpoke781,7:poke782,11:sys65520:inputs3$(x):goto160
- 250 ifa=5thenpoke781,9:poke782,18:sys65520:inputcn$(x)
- 252 ifcn$(x)="a"orcn$(x)="b"orcn$(x)="c"then160
- 254 goto250
- 260 next
- 900 printchr$(147)
- 910 print"enter file name (9 character limit)
- 912 [153]"(x to exit)"
- 920 [133]fi$:[139]fi$[178]"x"[167]2000
- 930 [151]781,23:[151]782,1:[158]65520:[153]"is this correct (y/n)?close";
- 940 [151]198,0:[146]198,1:[161]a$
- 950 [139]a$[178]"y"[167]1000
- 960 [139]a$[178]"n"[167]900
- 970 [137]930
- 1000 [159]4,8,4,"0:"[170]fi$[170]",seq,write"
- 1010 [152]4,nu
- 1020 [129]x[178]1[164]nu
- 1030 [152]4,wd$(x)
- 1040 [152]4,s1$(x)
- 1050 [152]4,s2$(x)
- 1060 [152]4,s3$(x)
- 1070 [152]4,cn$(x)
- 1080 [130]
- 1090 [160]4
- 2000 [153][199](147)
- 2010 [153]"do you want to create another file (y/n)?close";
- 2020 [151]198,0:[146]198,1:[161]a$
- 2030 [139]a$[178]"y"[167][156]:[153][199](147):[137]10
- 2040 [139]a$[179][177]"n"[167]2000
- 2050 [153]"loadload"[199](34)"payload"[199](34)",8":[153]"run"
- 2055 [151]631,13:[151]632,13:[151]198,2
- 2060 [128]
- 4997 :
- 4998 [143] title page and instructions
- 4999 :
- 5000 [153][199](147):[151]53272,23
- 5010 [151]781,5:[151]782,7:[158]65520:[153]"(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)right$(NULL)(NULL)valcloselenleft$(NULL)right$lenvalclose(NULL)val(NULL)(NULL) (NULL)atn(NULL)val(NULL)"
- 5020 [151]781,8:[151]782,19:[158]65520:[153]"by"
- 5030 [151]781,11:[151]782,13:[158]65520:[153]"str$onna (NULL). (NULL)oody"
- 5040 [151]781,23:[151]782,7:[158]65520:[153]"(NULL)(NULL)val(NULL)(NULL) (NULL)(NULL)atnlenval peekatn(NULL) (NULL)(NULL) len(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)right$(NULL)(NULL)val.";
- 5050 [151]198,0:[146]198,1:[161]a$
- 5060 [153][199](147)
- 5070 [153]" (NULL)his program is designed to help":[153]
- 5080 [153]"you create text files for (NULL)(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)right$(NULL)(NULL)val":[153]
- 5090 [153]"lenleft$(NULL)right$lenval (NULL)val(NULL)(NULL)val(NULL).":[153]
- 5100 [153]" (NULL)ou will be asked for the number of":[153]
- 5110 [153]"questions that will be in the test.":[153]
- 5120 [153]"(NULL)hen you will be asked for the question":[153]
- 5130 [153]"and for three possible answers. (NULL)ou":[153]
- 5140 [153]"will then enter the correct choice as":[153]
- 5150 [153]"a letter (atn-len).":[153]
- 5160 [151]781,23:[151]782,7:[158]65520:[153]"(NULL)(NULL)val(NULL)(NULL) (NULL)(NULL)atnlenval peekatn(NULL) (NULL)(NULL) len(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)right$(NULL)(NULL)val.";
- 5170 [151]198,0:[146]198,1:[161]a$
- 5190 [153][199](147):[153]" (NULL)his program could easily be":[153]
- 5200 [153]"modified to create text files for any":[153]
- 5210 [153]"program that uses sequential text":[153]
- 5220 [153]"files. (NULL)ist the program and study how":[153]
- 5230 [153]"it is written to see what you'll need":[153]
- 5240 [153]"to change.":[153]
- 5250 [151]781,23:[151]782,7:[158]65520:[153]"(NULL)(NULL)val(NULL)(NULL) (NULL)(NULL)atnlenval peekatn(NULL) (NULL)(NULL) len(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)right$(NULL)(NULL)val.";
- 5260 [151]198,0:[146]198,1:[161]a$
- 5270 [151]53272,21:[142]